
Day 3: technology

It's hard to imagine that only 20 years ago, we didn't have technology as we know it -- and take for granted -- today.

As a teen, I remember calling into my favorite radio station, requesting a new pop song, waiting patiently for the song to come on, and praying that the DJ doesn't talk through the intro so I can record a "clean" version on my cassette tape. iPod, where have you been all my life?!

But for the purposes of today's post, there is one aspect of technology for which I am really thankful. It has allowed me to reconnect with childhood friends, long lost relatives, favorite teachers, and yes, even that weird, chunky kid in elementary school who you always knew would turn out to be ok in the end. It's allowed me to have dinner with my grandmother as she was having lunch 7000 miles away; see pictures of babies that my high school friends are having; and get a text from my sister who's on a stationary bike next to me at the gym that her butt is sore from biking.

So yes, technology, I am thankful for you today.



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