
Day 1: vision

I wanted the first thing on my 365 Days of Thanks to be meaningful and to set the tone for the rest of my year. I thought "vision" would be appropriate with its two-part meaning.

First, my literal vision - what's in front of me. So often I take my eyesight for granted. However, in the last year, there were a couple of incidents when my vision was compromised. Even in the few days when my vision was impaired, I felt crippled, debilitated, and just down right crabby. As frustrated as I was, the experiences were good reminders for me not to take my eyesight for granted.

Second, vision as in foresight or goals for the future - what's ahead of me. I think it's in Proverbs that says "Without vision, the people perish." I'm sure there are different ways to interpret that, but here's my take on it: vision, for me, helps define a person's purpose, helps give them hope. Without purpose or hope, what a desolate life we would lead.

With that, I wish you all a clear vision for 2012!



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