
Day 10: I am thankful for what I do have

On the drive home today, my mind was focused on this one particular something that I don't have but I really want. It was so bad, I found myself almost whining about it. 

It wasn't until I started thinking about this project and the one thing I was thankful for today that I finally snapped out of it and thought, "Gah! It's only Day 10 and already I'm whining?!" And so I took step back to think about what I have to be thankful for. I tell ya, that was the quickest way for me to get out of my funk! I have been blessed with too much that for today, I can't choose just one thing to be thankful for.

Recap: Days 7, 8, and 9

Day 7: I am thankful for Advil

Day 8: I am thankful for fellowship

Day 9: I am thankful for my job


Day 6: modern-day plumbing

I don't think this needs much of an explanation. But here's a brief history, for those of you curious folk.




Day 5: Books

When all is said and done, there are very few material things I could live without. One of those things would be books. I love books.

As a child, my mom spoiled me with frequent and abundant orders from our school's Scholastic Book Club. Saturday mornings were spent with my parents and sister at the public library. In the 4th grade I sometimes helped our school librarian put away books during lunch or recess. It was a volunteer role I had created and I was rewarded by being allowed to check out more books than my classmates.

As a college student I spent most of my allowance on books (and CDs and food, of course). My dream part-time job was at a bookstore (which I never did get).

Now as an adult, I have digital books at my fingertips. Or at least on my Kindle. It is a fine time to be living for book lovers!

I have spied with Harriet, whitewashed a fence with Tom, and solved mysteries with Nancy. I walked dark English corridors by candlelight with Jane, was proud alongside Elizabeth, and became fascinated by Boo Radley just as Jem and Scout were. I may never visit Forks, WA or stay at Gryffindor House, but there's plenty of other adventures left for me. And for that I am thankful for books.




Day 4: snacks

Yes. Snacks.

It was one of those long days at work and all I wanted to do was go home and eat a series of "snacks" for dinner.

So I did. :)

I am thankful that I was able to open my fridge and cupboard and have a plethora of snacks to choose from! I encourage you to eat healthy and to take care of your body. But don't forget to indulge. And while you're indulging, don't forget to give thanks.




Day 3: technology

It's hard to imagine that only 20 years ago, we didn't have technology as we know it -- and take for granted -- today.

As a teen, I remember calling into my favorite radio station, requesting a new pop song, waiting patiently for the song to come on, and praying that the DJ doesn't talk through the intro so I can record a "clean" version on my cassette tape. iPod, where have you been all my life?!

But for the purposes of today's post, there is one aspect of technology for which I am really thankful. It has allowed me to reconnect with childhood friends, long lost relatives, favorite teachers, and yes, even that weird, chunky kid in elementary school who you always knew would turn out to be ok in the end. It's allowed me to have dinner with my grandmother as she was having lunch 7000 miles away; see pictures of babies that my high school friends are having; and get a text from my sister who's on a stationary bike next to me at the gym that her butt is sore from biking.

So yes, technology, I am thankful for you today.




Day 2: nature and the ability to enjoy it

Today I went for a walk with my sister and Stitch around a beautiful reservoir near our home. While some of the steeper hills kicked my butt, I was still grateful that such a place was so accessible to me. Perhaps more importantly, I was thankful that I had the physical ability to actually enjoy it.




Day 1: vision

I wanted the first thing on my 365 Days of Thanks to be meaningful and to set the tone for the rest of my year. I thought "vision" would be appropriate with its two-part meaning.

First, my literal vision - what's in front of me. So often I take my eyesight for granted. However, in the last year, there were a couple of incidents when my vision was compromised. Even in the few days when my vision was impaired, I felt crippled, debilitated, and just down right crabby. As frustrated as I was, the experiences were good reminders for me not to take my eyesight for granted.

Second, vision as in foresight or goals for the future - what's ahead of me. I think it's in Proverbs that says "Without vision, the people perish." I'm sure there are different ways to interpret that, but here's my take on it: vision, for me, helps define a person's purpose, helps give them hope. Without purpose or hope, what a desolate life we would lead.

With that, I wish you all a clear vision for 2012!

